- According to history, the temple of King Solomon was built of cedarwood to symbolize power, nobility and integrity. Cedarwood has a warm, invigorating action and can be an excellent treatment to relieve stress and tension. Moreover, it is widely used to cure acne and hair loss.
- Widely used to treat acne and regulate excessive sebum secretion
- Helps to treat hair loss and dandruff
- Powerful tonic for the body
- Stimulates the respiratory and musculature systems
Mind and spirit:
- Its warm, invigorating and gentle action is an exceptional treatment for tension and anxiety
- Reinforces self-confidence and grants inner strength
- Offers mental clarity, strength and self confidence
Combine with: bergamot, rosemary, sandalwood, eucalyptus, lavender, juniper, grapefruit, lemon.
Aromatherapy uses:
- Strength and confidence in times of emotional stress: Add 5 drops to air freshening device.
- For cellulite and water retention: Add 35 drops to 100 ml of almond oil and massage the entire body, especially the problem areas.
- For acne and spots: Add 15 drops of cedar to 50 ml of jojoba oil and apply to the face twice a day.
- For dandruff, hair loss and to maintain a healthy scalp: Add 30 drops of cedar to 100 ml of laurel oil or alternatively, 15 drops of cedar with 15 drops of rosemary.
- As an ideal antiseptic for floors that gives freshness to the house: Add 5 drops to 2 liters of water and use to mop.
- Essential oils are not used directly on skin.
- It should not be used during pregnancy. Particular care is needed with some essential oils affect the oistogonon production (BASILIC, CLARY SAGE, JUNIPER, MYRPH).
- Not used in infants.
- They should not come into contact with eyes.
- There should be no ingestion of essential oils.
- It should be kept in dark bottles, away from light in a cool environment.
- Persons suffering from hypertension, it is advisable to avoid essential oils ROSEMARY, CLARY SAGE, THYME.
- Persons suffering from epilepsy is good to avoid the following essential oils FENNEL, ROSEMARY, CLARY SAGE.
- Essential oils from citrus fruits are good are not used daily to skin that will be exposed to the sun.
- People who do homeopathy, avoid using the essential oil PEPPERMINT.