- The ancient Romans honored Goddess Juventas as the goddess of youth. Her symbol, the lemon, was known to cure several health problems and is an excellent tonic for the body and senses. It has a strong, revitalizing citrus perfume and can work effectively against bacteria and viruses.
- Ideal for oily skin
- Gives volume and shine to thin and dull hair
- Strengthen brittle nails
- Acts as an exceptional tonic for the body
- Relieves headaches
- Helps to detoxify the body and enhances microcirculation
Mind and spirit:
- Its strong, clean, citrus scent is a stimulant tonic
- Cleanses the mind, increases concentration and the ability to memorize
- Helps process decision making
Combine with: lavender, eucalyptus, juniper, neroli, orange, clary sage, cedarwood, rosemary.
Aromatherapy uses:
- To be focused and have a better memory and increased productivity in the work area: Add 6 drops of lemon essential oil to your air freshening device or alternatively, 4 drops along with 2 drops of basil and 2 drops of rosemary.
- For stimulating and invigorating a massage: Add 20 drops of lemon essential oil and 15 drops of rosemary essential oil to 100ml of almond oil and massage the entire body.
- For stronger, smooth and shiny nails: Add 5 drops of lemon essential oil to 10ml of jojoba oil or wild rose and massage the nails.
- For washing plates, especially after fish dishes: Put a drop of lemon essential oil on the sponge.
- For a room deodorant and general liquid cleaner: Add 10-15 drops of lemon essential oil to 100ml of water into a spray bottle.
- Essential oils are not used directly on skin.
- It should not be used during pregnancy. Particular care is needed with some essential oils affect the oistogonon production (BASILIC, CLARY SAGE, JUNIPER, MYRPH).
- Not used in infants.
- They should not come into contact with eyes.
- There should be no ingestion of essential oils.
- It should be kept in dark bottles, away from light in a cool environment.
- Persons suffering from hypertension, it is advisable to avoid essential oils ROSEMARY, CLARY SAGE, THYME.
- Persons suffering from epilepsy is good to avoid the following essential oils FENNEL, ROSEMARY, CLARY SAGE.
- Essential oils from citrus fruits are good are not used daily to skin that will be exposed to the sun.
- People who do homeopathy, avoid using the essential oil PEPPERMINT.